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Kids always like dressing up as super heroes. I remember using our sheets and blankets as capes when we were kids, we would go around the bedroom pretending to look for the bad guys and fight them. So making capes was near and dear to my heart and I started making them for my nieces and nephews. I included masks to make it look extra special.




J was having his birthday on the last day of March and he had PJ Masks as his theme. I thought since he was going to dress up as a superhero what better way to let his friends join in by making them capes and masks as well. Since we Mike and I planned to go online and sell our capes I already had the material and the colors that they needed. It was perfect, I didn’t need to go to downtown to buy the fabric.


19 capes and masks and I am proud to announce that I was able to finish it in time to wrap it up and even add a business card in the package. This was a fun project and I found ways to make things easier so the next time I have a project I will have the process work a little faster.





He had a costume but I guess it was too hot for him to wear so he just wore the cape I made him and that made me happy because then I got to see how it fit him and how happy he was wearing it.